The medium-sized technology company LÜBERG ELEKTRONIK is well-positioned, with 3 locations in Germany (Bavaria) and one location in Shenzhen, China. Approximately 130 highly-motivated employees work with considerable commitment and customer orientation at LÜBERG ELEKTRONIK in Nuremberg, Weiden and Sonneberg. We supply you with printed circuit boards – “made in Germany”.
LÜBERG ELEKTRONIK is a traditional company with a company history that stretches back more than 100 years. It was one of the first ever manufacturers of printed circuit boards, and has developed into a specialist for innovative, customer-oriented solutions with machinery and a portfolio that are unique. Due to constant innovations, the highest quality and reliability, LÜBERG ELEKTRONIK is one of the leading technology companies for printed circuit boards (PCB) in special designs and special formats (large-format PCB).
On this basis, LÜBERG ELEKTRONIK has established itself as a pioneer in circuit manufacturing:
to fulfil the requirements of rationalisation and the increasing complexity in the world of electronics, LÜBERG ELEKTRONIK produces 3D components which combine electronic circuit board and mechanical functions. LÜBERG ELEKTRONIK is an experienced supplier of 3D-MID technology in all process steps. The basis for this is provided by our solid customer-oriented solutions and detailed application experience.
Through constant further and new developments, we offer competent customer solutions and customised production - including small and medium-sized series. By focusing on current and new technologies - new materials for printed circuit boards which can be recycled without any ecological problems or miniaturisation - we set forward-looking standards.
For LÜBERG, sustainability means the uncompromising implementation of the shareholder value concept. At our company’s production facilities, we leverage ratio potential through the uncompromising introduction of lean production and the strictest orientation of all business processes according to the principle of cost efficiency so as to fulfil our customers’ requirements with precision.
We do not generally withdraw our profits, but keep them in the company to strengthen our equity and finance growth, innovations and investments with the goal of increasing the value of our company on a long term, sustainable basis.